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Black History Month Lunch & Learn: Women’s Health and Menopause

Date: Thursday, 24 October

NHS Somerset and Somerset Women of Colour would invite you to a Black History Month Lunch & Learn, focusing on women’s health and the menopause.

The session will be led by Mahalia Arjoon Purchase, a certified Menopause Champion and health coach, who specialises in black women’s menopause.

This event is for all women, with a special focus on the challenges faced by women of colour. Those who provide health care and support across Somerset are invited, particularly those who are interested in understanding health inequalities.

Join in virtually, bring your lunch or a cup of tea, and feel safe to ask any questions you may have.

To reserve your place, please email the NHS Somerset ICB Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team using the link below.

A diverse group of women sat at a laptop, engaging with what's on the screen
Location: Online
Date: Thursday, 24 October
Time: 12:30 pm

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