
Upcoming Spark Forums

Our free forums are open to charities, community organisations and volunteers in Somerset

Join us to network, discuss hot topics, catch up on local community news and share ideas and information. Here's what's coming up:

Research in Somerset: learning and networking event

Save the date for our upcoming event, as part of our work for the Somerset VCFSE Assembly, where you will learn how research can help your organisation to develop and shape services.

Takes place on Tuesday 14 May, 10am - 3pm, in Ilminster.

Find out more and book

Somerset Mental Health Network Monthly Meetings

A monthly, themed networking event for groups and organisations in Somerset that offer mental health support to collaborate, receive peer support, and connect with commissioners and decision-makers.

Coming up:
LGBTQ+ awareness, Wednesday 22 May, 9.30am - 11am, via Teams

To register your interest for any of these dates, please click here.


More forums coming soon, check back regularly for details!